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Ballet, modern, etc. (was Non-Partner)
Posted by michaelphelan
8/13/1999  8:13:00 PM
Most of the serious ballet fans on the web seem to be using the Ballet Alert! forums. However, I don't know of any other boards for modern or jazz fans, and this looks like a good place to have one. I would definitely link the Bay Dance site to it. But, as you said, it depends on the numbers.

I still can't see tap fitting in with modern or jazz, or with any other dance for that matter. Tap seems to be in a class by itself.

BTW - How about you tell us about yourself and your plans for Dance Talk?

re: Ballet, modern, etc. (was Non-Partner)
Posted by Administrator
9/3/1999  4:53:00 AM
I think it helps to use the navigation tools provided on the web page, rather than the back button on your browser. The back button will take you to a previously cached page.

But actually, the software is supposed to jump you straight to an updated page immediately after you post (well, okay... with a few second gap while it processes the info). Did that not happen in your case?


re: Ballet, modern, etc. (was Non-Partner)
Posted by Administrator
8/14/1999  5:39:00 PM
Okay, so how would you break up the forum? One for ballet, and then one for Jazz and Modern together? Or maybe have three separate forums? I'd rather not spread it too thin, if at all possible. Or at least not until enough activity merits it. But I'm open to suggestions.

Tap can probably just go by the wayside for now. If it truly doesn't fit with anybody, then it would have to get its own forum, which would probably never take off.

By the way, what are Ballet Alert forums?

--Admin, Dancetalk

[This message has been edited by Administrator (edited 08-14-1999).]

re: Ballet, modern, etc. (was Non-Partner)
Posted by Administrator
8/14/1999  5:41:00 PM
Ok, about me:

I'm Jonathan Atkinson from Los Angeles, and my partner in business and dance is Melissa Winogrand. She's originally ballet-trained (since the age of 4), and I'm ballroom-trained with about 10 years of experience, with a few years of ballet mixed in. We are currently active competitors in the International Standard style of Ballroom.

DanceTalk.com was originally conceived as a message forum for our other website, Ballroomdancers.com, but as I was designing it, I realized that it would be even better as a community forum. So we have invited many other websites from many other styles of dancing to participate as active members of the discussion, and to include the message board on their website. This was all done in an attempt to tie these websites and their users together through a common goal, and to bring the dance community closer together through an avenue of communication.

I have no commercial goals with DanceTalk, other than to provide a resource for dancers, internet users, and participating websites.

Jonathan Atkinson

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